Jim became interested in sport and fitness at the age of 10. While at school, Jim played all the major sports that were on offer and through this and some excellent teaching/coaching, he came to understand the importance of physical well-being as a way of life.
Jim was a Physical Education teacher for 20 years before diversifying into Marketing and from there to running his own fitness business – Gym Mostyn.
The concept of Gym Mostyn is a no-frills, instructor-led way to fitness including Core Stability, Indoor Rowing and Circuit Training sessions for groups varying in size from 4 to 44.
Jim also hold one to one personal training sessions for those with specific needs i.e. elite athletes and those with medical problems - for example, high blood pressure, injuries, osteoporosis - and those who need to develop flexibility and strength to improve their quality of life.
The sessions at Gym Mostyn encourage partners, families and friends to work together, but at their own pace.
Born 1952